Vocational/Career Testing

Why Choose Us?   

With nearly two decades of experience, Leonard Educational Evaluations has earned a reputable standing in the community for our expertise, trustworthiness, and genuine concern for our clients. We are dedicated to addressing your concerns, pinpointing problems, and delivering personalized recommendations, interventions, and treatment options!

What is a vocational and career evaluation?

A vocational and career evaluation provides an assessment of a client's cognitive-academic-knowledge-career-vocational functional levels, interests, motivations, skill strengths and weaknesses, and skill deficits.

This can assist you determining the right career path for you, increasing your skills appropriately, supporting areas of weakness, and possibly allow you to receive reasonable accommodations.  

This evaluation can help with areas such as:

  • Assessments of achievement, aptitude, dexterity, learning styles and work samples.

  • Evaluations help streamline career interests, set realistic job goals and explore career paths.

  • Evaluators address potential for vocational training, occupations, accommodations and service needs.