Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)
An Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) is an unbiased / second-opinion evaluation conducted by qualified examiner (Leonard Educational Evaluations) for the parent and/or School District. An IEE can include different types of evaluations such as cognitive, academic, social-emotional-behaivoral testing, functional behavioral assessment, speech/language evaluation, etc. 

An IEE can provide objective insight into what is inhibiting a child's ability to perform, think, behave, feel, or achieve.  It can also help determine if a student has an educational disability or impairment; and needs general education, special education, a 504 plan, or differentiated instruction.

The psychologist or educational specialist will administer and interpret the results and determine what, if any, educational disabilities the child may or may not have; as well as provide potential recommendations that include proper program placement, IEP goals, modifications, accommodations, and instructional and curriculum strategies that are researched and evidenced based.  

Why Choose Us?

Leonard Educational Evaluations has almost 20 years of experience working in school districts, colleges, and the private sector.  We have completed thousands of evaluations of children and students.  With a team of highly skilled psychologists and educational specialists, we are the trusted choice for those seeking exceptional and unparalleled expertise for those that want to move their lives in the right direction!